Monday, April 11, 2011

Time and interview

so I havent been blogging in a while cause I've been really really busy. so I'll do an extra long update. so my grandmother(my dads mom) passed away April 4th 2011. I had a job interview today and I basically got the job, dependent on the drug test and back ground check, I'm not worried. I'll be working as a freelance employee with Freeman. so hopefully income will start flowing soon. I'm going to be buying a truck from my grandparents. and then sell the Tiburon, and my son will be born soon. God is being faithful to his child.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Spandex fly points!

so today was a good day I've been helping Jeremy setup for hot hearts here at Highland Lakes Camp. we tried something different with your spandex decorations. instead of hanging the triangle sails on the truss we(I did) installed hanging fly points, they look pretty good. ready to finish the auditorium tomorrow then Hot Hearts. thats all for now.